Unemployment fell by 42,409 people in June and employment stability continues to consolidate

Unemployment fell by 42,409 people in June and employment stability continues to consolidate

  • The signing of indefinite contracts reaches its maximum in the historical series in one month with a total of 783,595
  • Permanent contracts are 44.3% of the total in a month traditionally prone to temporary hiring
  • The number of registered people decreases by 733,757 compared to June 2021, 20.3%
  • Unemployment falls in all autonomous communities except Andalusia
  • The number of people registered in both sexes decreases

from :forexfactory.com

The number of people registered in the Offices of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) at the end of June fell by 42,409 in relation to the previous month (-1.45%). Thus, registered unemployment stood at 2,880,582, and remains at the lowest levels since October 2008, the start of the financial crisis.

Compared to June 2021, unemployment has decreased by 733,757 people (-20.3%).

Stable hiring is consolidated

The total number of contracts registered during the month of June was 1,768,988.

Hiring follows the trend of previous months. 783,595 employment contracts of an indefinite nature have been registered, which represent practically one out of every two new contracts (44.3%) in a month marked so far by temporary contracts. Multiply by five the average number of permanent contracts this month.


Indefinite contracts for the month of June are divided, in terms of the duration of their working day, into 312,824 full-time, 178,092 part-time and 292,679 permanent discontinuous.

The change in the trend in stable hiring is especially evident in sectors such as agriculture, construction and also favors the younger group.

Unemployment by autonomous communities

Unemployment fell in all the autonomous communities with the exception of Andalusia, where it increased by 6,345 people to a total of 764,802.

Unemployment by sex and age

Female unemployment decreased by 17,167 people (-0.99%) in relation to the month of May and stands at a total of 1,723,815 women, the lowest figure in June since 2009.

Male unemployment stands at 1,156,767, falling by 25,242 men (-2.14%).

If we compare it with June 2021, male unemployment falls by 334,962 (-22.45%) and female unemployment falls by 398,795 (-18.79%).

Unemployment of young people under 25 years of age rose slightly in the month of June by 1,289 people (0.64%) compared to the previous month. Unemployment aged 25 and over fell by 43,698 (-1.60%).

In year-on-year terms, the drop in unemployment among young people under 25 is the steepest.

Unemployment by economic sectors

With respect to May, registered unemployment fell in Services 41,017 people (-1.99%), Industry 7,148 (-3.95%) and Construction 4,981 (-2.15%).

Unemployment increased in Agriculture 8,863 (6.42%) and in the group Without Previous Employment, which increased by 1,874 (0.76%).

Benefits in the month of May

The existing beneficiaries at the end of May were a total of 1,675,407.

Total expenses for May 2022 amounted to 1,591.8 million euros.

The average monthly expenditure per beneficiary, not including the agricultural subsidy of Andalusia and Extremadura, in the month of May 2022 was 973.5 euros.

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